Depaule Jean-Charles will present his book written with Mario Rispoli: Italian Cairo, a biography (Ed. Parenthèses MMSH) at the bookstore Ignazi Michele, 17 rue de Jouy, Paris, 4th Wednesday 1 December to 19 hours.
On this occasion we can find this library in the Waves of Send Masbahi B. translated by Mostafa Kharoufi and Jean-Charles Depaule, presented by the latter, one of the first titles published by many a contract in 1999.
These transcriptions, translations, and analysis, "singing" a Reddad Fez, read like a short essay of "ethnopoetic. "He did not sing especially for us, we are told, is his habit." As such, one could also see in retrospect as the first "text translator" of the collection. "Texts translator" as "texts of artists" appear in presentation of the collection alongside translations themselves, as one of the genera of the house. " This is to draw attention to text, lots of writing and research located between two languages and taking this point of view of both experience and reflection. Among these titles, with approaches and records very different from each other, we can also quote haunting strangeness Ivan Mignot ( translator of works in prose and verse by Daniil Harms at Verdier), the different chapters of the "Tibetan Grammar" of Bénédicte Vilgrain (three chapters appeared in many a contract since 2001) who also translated the trial of Wilhelm von Humboldt On the verb in the American languages , or Absence of abundant , by Rosmarie Waldrop.
Depaule Jean-Charles is also the author of several books of poetry, including central Comptoir (Le Bleu du Ciel, 2004) and numerous translations of Arab poets.