1. Wednesday, February 24 at 20 pm , we speak of many a contract to the bookshop Le Comptoir des Mots, 239 rue des Pyrenees, Paris, 20th (Metro Gambetta). This meeting is organized and moderated by Frederic Forte as part of his residence in this library - it is the sixth in a series of ten monthly staking his residence, offering to meet an author and his publisher. An exception, then. This period also corresponds to FF to writing a new book, a project he tells the script (along with its activities in the library) in blog opened for this purpose.
2. The day before, on Tuesday 23 at 19:30 : reading Pascal Poyet and Rufo Quintavalle Ivy Writers in the cycle, co-programming readings bilingual (French and English) of contemporary poetry by Michelle Noteboom & Jennifer K. Dick. The Reading will be held at Next, 17 rue Tiquetonne, Paris 2e (Métro Etienne Marcel, Les Halles RER). Full details on the blog Ivy Writers .
From Frederick Forte, maint contract issued Always lost the new entry , in 2009 (photo, before folding).