Saturday, September 13, 2008 Coupons

Change 'address'


You can read my blog from now

Come and let me pleasure to leave a few comments.

Thank you and goodbye

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Moisturizers To Use With Tarorac

June: When contacted by the Association ASSISTEO

Several months ago, I had registered on the site of ASSISTEO , and this month the manager of the sector offered me an assignment (2 hours / week) within 10 minutes walk from my house!

Needless to say I said yes with great pleasure. That's exactly what I wanted: to complete my schedule 'CESU' (employers found on my own).

I am delighted, the reception was very pleasant. A new dating back some morale.

I also invite you to try your luck.

There is also this site reserved for people who want to be helped.

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Saturday, June 21, 2008

2010 Songs For Basketball Games

Having the checkbook without CESU member, it happens!

I would like to draw your attention to my last little misadventure 'CESU':

At our first appointment, I gave the lady at the request of CESU membership employment check, explain how to fill and the various obligations of both parties.

She spends his bank to order the checkbook. I work in April and May she rule with no problem.

She told me she was leaving in June for several months, I remind him that it must therefore give me the various documents. After several days, she calls me by explaining that his employer number URSSAF is not accepted by the ASSEDIC ...

I call the center of CESU, who said:

- This lady is not adhering
- yet she has the checkbook CESU ...
- It happens sometimes: some banks control the checkbook and 'forgot' to send us application for membership ... Or, people control the checkbook to their bank and do not give them the membership application signed!

Since everything is back to normal.

employer not listed in CESU
= no paychecks! ...

Certainly, we must control everything.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Work In Brampton 14 Years Old

May: moral socks ...

Death employers, breach of contract, an employer will relocate in June ...
My schedule has been considerably reduced!

Besides some employers refuse to make the contract work, about the dismissal letters or certificates ASSEDIC: it is pure illusion.
scary, shocking, e-USOC-rant.

Even my PC dropped me, and my left little finger will not fold without pain. I see in the afternoon the surgeon to put to rest the ear using a brace or splint, we'll see.

is why I have not written anything for a long time.
I'll try to regroup a little.

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Friday, June 13, 2008

What Kind Of Wings To Buy For Chicken Wings

My PC is dead ...

For several weeks my PC to do exactly as its head. Well now he has passed away.

I write this message from a cyber cafe, I hope to buy a PC used to everything, very low price ...

Smaller galleys still is like that. Morale is not too strong.

I hope to soon.

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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Menstrual Like Cramps At 40 Weeks

Passage 3 column, following

But where are the old comments?

With this presentation, we do not see the number of comments left by readers ... You must click on 'comment'.

Another problem, categories, links to this post, quick change, etc. ... appear more ... Yet in Settings obviously everything is ok.

I have not finished breaking my head! That's how we learn and with your help of course. Besides, I'm about to do an article on this subject.

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Friday, May 9, 2008

Play Poptropica On The Internet

Passage 3 columns, but ...

I try to move my blog to 3 columns, only this is what happens: Aside from the articles, erased EVERYTHING! Therefore

first record on his PC a copy of the original blog and possibly make a second 'test'. After

a lot of trial and error I wanted to try a model of Neo, but I'll see you later, I opted for the site BLOGCROWDS that offers a column of more basic models with Blogger for now.

Please excuse the lack of info, I gradually repositions my links: we must do it one by one! I think.

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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Suspenders Braces Highwaisted Pants

Join Community bloggers

When we visit blogs, our avatar appears on the widgets. It is very interesting to include these communities:

  • the author is aware of the loyalty of its readers
  • visitors can have the curiosity to click on our avatar and explore our profile, So our blogs!
For now, I subscribed to for free:

Technorati Profile

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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Mailto Pusooy Q Mail Com

'Colleagues CESU': various activities

colleagues I put in quotes because we only know through our blogs or websites. For further information, it is best to contact them directly.

Thanks for your understanding. :
Audrey : Beautician at home Eyragues (13), it also moves in the southern region of Avignon .
Alex Gardener in West Lyonnais (69), I think that it can also render various services.
I regularly visit his blog Work , he talks about his work and Cheque Emploi Service Universal, among others.
Didier Professor of Mathematics and Physics chemistry, in Yvelines (78) and Eure et Loir (28)
Artisan Landscape Gardening, Opal Coast (62)

Carolina and Virginia : carers in Avignon (84) You find them
No laptop in the right margin.

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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Clf2−lewis Structure

Death of an Employee Employer

is with sadness that I learned tonight unpleasant news.

there three weeks, I was taking her husband's new hospitalized psychiatric health Alzheimer-. His wife told me she had found a place in a more appropriate setting and that she had accompanied him.

Tonight, I call it, to see how it goes, and she told me that he died yesterday.

I am sad for this lovely woman, they loved each other for almost 60 years!

It was hard to accept the placement of her husband, there's going to be terrible. I know she is surrounded by her children and her sister. But it does not replace the beloved ...

Sincere condolences to the family of this gentleman.

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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Cervical Mucus Sour Tasting

Cheque Emploi Service-CESU-Review in April 2008

Activity months ago.

04/2008 8 94

paid leave set to a libretto : € 85
Ideally, this money should enable us to live during the holidays (since they are included in our monthly salary), and offset the month work is more rare.

As I presented it in this article , the number of hours worked has fallen this month.

I'm an employer because she would not settle the contract and imposed upon me the flat rate it is not right, this must be a common agreement-. View this article .

20 cents + 20 cents + ...
Since last month I decided to systematically parts of 20 cents a pot. Harvest of the Month: almost € 10.
At the end of the year, if I have not done too much of 'sampling' ... We will see what will be done!
Why 20 cents? It is fast running out. 10 cents: this is not enough. 50 is a bit too much for my wallet!
As for the red pieces, I accumulated in a box from time to time, I exchange a handful at a supermarket in the neighborhood (when there is none, usually the cashier needs it).

Forecast for May 2008: 81 hours.
It is imperative that I resume my exploration !

Someone contacted me for work I told him immediately spoke of serious things: contract, formalities to break ... It must control the checkbook, we'll see if it scares him ...

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Blogger Alex said ...

Why not increase your hourly rate, even 1 euro, it would pay for your vacations?

May 5, 2008 7:54 p.m.

Blogger Christine said ...

> Alex: My hourly rate is € 10 net -CP-inclusive. I think it's a good salary, considering that I did not 'graduate' in the middle ...

I earn more than when I worked for the Association (SMIC)! For cons, I have to move for a salary.

I prefer to stay at that price because people do not talk and sometimes we do work a little longer than expected. The last reason is that I want to stay under the price offered by the associations.

on your blog:, I think the comments have not been validated.

May 6, 2008 9:03 p.m.

Blogger Alex said ...

if I do moderate comments more long ...

May 6, 2008 9:51 p.m.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Buying Bulk Distilled Vinegar


Through this example, you will find below some basic analysis of a Real Estate Development.


1) Subject:

Our example: funding for construction of a housing estate comprising 40 apartments and 2 shops for sale (off plan) in the Municipality of SB (downtown).

2) The Relevant Sector:

Points Analysis:
- The Good, the subject of the request for funding been "controlled" (Land acquired on Equity, and permit final budget)?
- The program is it relevant to the target audience?
- Its location is it attractive?

In our example:
- The land is equity financed and serves as a contribution to the project (450 KE 10% of total costs).
- PC (Building Permit) granted and served (the third party liability).
- good location in downtown SB close to all amenities and the Head Place.
- fast-growing sector where the need for housing and commercial space is important and the current offer inadequate.
- Prices (X € / m²) are attractive and will enable the rapid commercialization program (Range between XA and XB Euro).
- The benefits at a good level of standard air conditioning, fully equipped kitchens, bathrooms furnished, gated, spacious terraces ...

3) The Speakers:

Points Analysis: During the study
operation, it is imperative to validate the property operator:
- This operator is there a quality professional? Elements of Analysis: reputation, local market knowledge, membership of a professional body, and outstanding achievements completed, rating Bank of France ....
- Costs are they identified and validated?
- The companies approached for the work they are quality and they assure us of the good progress of the site?

In our example:
- Operation entrusted to an experienced professional (Group S were among the main promoters of the region) which has many references and a very good reputation (+ 10 000 units built)
Mr. H (manager of the CSVS) also has an important heritage property: surface net xxxxx KE
- Marketing provided locally by the developer.
- Consultation business is underway, the markets will be signed after obtaining a banking agreement (although budget costs identified and validated: the usual business of the Group T).

4) Financial analysis of the operation:

Indicators & financial criteria:

points of analysis: decomposition of the unwinding of the transaction of real estate:

- The cost = Cost promotion (land cost + construction cost + fees)

The financing of the operation of real estate development will be via :

- A contribution = contribution of the promoter in the operation (in cash or in kind, eg ground).
- Reservation = share of apartments sold. A low rate of bookings must involve a more consistent level of intake.
- Credit = credit support in place to enable the conduct of the promotion.

The share of the financing not covered by the contribution, credit and reservations (= deadlock) must be very low.

In our example:

Cost 4478 (100%) Contribution
450 (10%)
Reservations: 2200 (49%)
Credit : 1800 (40%)
IMPASSE: 28 (1%)

We see here the closure under good conditions of the transaction: the level of contribution and reservations will be sufficient to limit the gapping at a level insignificant (1% of cost).

Indicators of project value:

Points Analysis:
- Margin = Sales Price - Cost
- Bank Security Margin = Sales + FP. The higher this rate is high unless the financial risk will be high.

In our example:

Value Sales: 6000 KE
Less :
Sales commissions: KE 200

- Margin on Sales = 6000-4 = 478-200 K € 1,322 or 30% of expenditure (cost) and 22% of Sale Price.
- Bank Security = 1222 = 1672 + 450 K € (37% of total cost).

5) Warranty and conditions of the competitions set up:

Point Analysis on the Conditions Precedent to Credit Cover:
Justification of contributions to be invested in the transaction until full repayment of assistance granted by the Bank. Reason
-xx% firm reservations (with deposit checks from the notary).
Justification of administrative authorizations purged of all appeals.
Justification of contracts signed (company structure).
- Engagement of Mr. H (manager) to support any budget overruns.

In our example:

Credit Support: 1 800 KE over 12 months (completion of work)

Mortgage Guarantee + SPC Mr. H. The surface of MH can allow to cope with potential slippages (Heritage property (land) Mr. H xxxxx estimated K €).

Prerequisites Credit Cover
- Justification of inputs (land adjusted up to 450 K €).
-Justification of 49% firm bookings.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Milena Velba New Gals

say that I did not like the editorial!

When I look at the articles of my blog, I remember I had a lot of trouble writing twenty lines, writing!

I blocked, I did not want. It was a chore. I saw yet completed their comrades double pages without problem ...

And now I find enjoyable, liberating, letting off steam writing what we feel. I certainly do not put the correct forms, but it does not matter, I write as I speak. That's it.

It is also true that I grew up the font size for easier reading.

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Creative Titles For Papers On Self Image

Out with an employer CESU CESU

Employers in general-not just individuals, they too think we are indispensable, and that after waiting to eat! Know that the work there: it is sometimes difficult to find quickly, but looking good ... No one is irreplaceable.

Leaving my employer, just now, I told him that next week and the following public holidays, Thursdays-and it says "ah, so I made the check now."

She meets and goes to the social, the full speaking aloud, and tick 'salary package'. I told him that I am real and she replied "no, no, you're all fixed, it's better for me I've always done it." I do not control the retail-package or Real-because I had no problem with other employers.

I explained that we had not agreed that, over several weeks since I asked that meets the employment contract. She has long denied because it does not consider employer and will not commit ... She is afraid. I just show him that it is mandatory after 4 consecutive weeks, it protects both parties, an employee might well ask more hours, she would have no way to prove it false. .. No, there's nothing to do, she thinks I'm "too much riding on the principles" ... Yet it is that regulation, it's not me who decides.

So I told him politely that it was a lot, it was better that we adopt today. She already had in mind on May 1 to pay, it does not find it normal! I remind him that when she worked she was not shocked to be paid that day, without having worked -note they were both in education, therefore the uncertainty of employment or retirement, they do not know- . She said:

- Yes, I understand you defend your interests.
- No Ma'am, I 'm just your employee!
- Not ...
- And if you are an employer. You can call the National CESU for the contract and the documents to get back: ASSEDIC certificate, employment certificate. You can also go through an association, as you have no worries.
- Yes, but it's more expensive!

So here, a contract that ends -2 hours / week-. Too bad, this lady is really nice, and does not need additional problem: her husband is sick and she tired. I told him that I am not angry and I appreciate that.

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Pro Choice Thesis Argument

: first dispute with an employer

And here I find myself obliged to seek assistance from the Legal Assistance-through-my home insurance for me help resolve this dispute. I hope this is the only one.

all started in February -see end of this article- , now I have reached a maximum level of anger, my patient and my kindness have limitations, it is clear.

Counsel told me that obviously the person who takes care of this elderly gentleman said I was not URSSAF ... So I guess it must also be accountable to the Judge ...

I must send a letter to request a list of lawyers partners, they take care of the fees ...

I have on my side gather testimony from people having seen me working at this gentleman ... because he has obviously kept my notebook binding.


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Blogger Derudder said ...

Hi Christine, you should read my blog
aticle on the "services ... a gold mine expansion. Hoping that my idea you like, there are other items they refer to enlighten you.
When the deadbeats, you realize àl'inspection work and file a complaint and a handrail at a police station.
Courage soon michèle

April 20, 2008 9:57 p.m.


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Windsurfing Roof Rack

Funding Power Plants

The renewable energy market sector represents a very promising especially in certain geographical areas such as overseas territories which enjoy:
- As in Guyana, a territory with a large forest area for the development of biomass ,
- A sunshine (Guyana, West Indies, Reunion, Mayotte).

The risk on this type of financing will appear under control if we are reassured of the following:

A risk on the borrower.

What is the history of the borrower? The consideration is she still a young group, operating with little bit of history of activity and many projects in progress or rather a quality operator (a subsidiary of a group recognized that posted good financial fundamentals)?

If shareholders have strong financial guarantees, it is interesting
- provision in the contract a clause guaranteeing us to maintain ownership of its shareholders,
- to request bail.

2. Risk on the transaction. This section contains

risks designs, supplies and markets.

a / For the design.

The risk of conception appear mastered if stakeholders are identified providers of qualifications in their fields.

b / Regarding the supply of raw material.

The risk of conception appear under control if provided multiple sources of supply (in case of failure of a supplier or a lack of raw materials). Solutions of alternative supplies are planned?

3 / With regard to opportunities.
How and traded markets?
For example, a long-term contract with EDF or a local authority committed to buying energy on the basis of a fixed annual premium (premium annually adjusted). The premium must cover annuitée credit established.

3. The financial quality of the project.

It follows from the power plant customers. A business plan will appear in reliable, since the price index are known and selling (long-term contract, cf. Preceding paragraph).

4. Risk phases construction and operating risks.

risks phases of construction (transport, assembly, testing, liability of the owner) and operational risks (equipment breakdown, damage to property) are they covered by insurance and they will be delegated to financial institution lender?

What are the guarantees associated with the most sensitive parts? For example, equipment of the boiler are guaranteed? A performance guarantee from the manufacturer is it planned?

5. Climate risk.

On this type of financing, this is particularly important. The operating company has it limited its risk by adopting a strategy of risk diversification (multiple energy sources and different geographic areas)?

Some products (biomass, coal) can be provided throughout the year as opposed to wind power and hydropower which depend on climatic conditions. We reach here the issue of power sources of the plant.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

How To Get Unlock Character Spongebob Monopoly

Employee Cheque Emploi Service-CESU-10 months ... A small Documentation review

Employers Hours
06/2007 1 16
08/2007 1 21
09/2007 2 42
10/2007 3 42
11/2007 2 40
12/2007 3 42
01/2008 5 57
02/2008 7 96
03/2008 9 114

Here is an overview of my work since June 2007.
Most of my employer make me work every week. I'm trying to get 1 or 2 contracts Working ...

It is difficult to admit to some as, for example on 1 May is a holiday and must be paid! ... They do not consider themselves employers, but rather customers: it's better for them but this is not reality. They want absolutely no coercion, however few have worked in the public (and therefore with the assurance of financial stability, among others)

Unfortunately very nice 2 women died, including my elderly neighbor 48 years only. I think a lot about their families.
Sincere condolences to the families of these 2 ladies.

A man suffering from Alzheimer's disease, was hospitalized in psychiatry, in March: I worked for the couple-surveillance husband, allowing his wife to leave a few hours, my job is therefore completed. I think I can occasionally work again for the Lady, when my colleague, CESU, will be absent.

A second husband was also hospitalized last month: he goes home at the moment but should also go to the institute (Alzheimer's as well). For now, I keep 2 hours week, in addition to another home help.


I had to contact my Legal assistance of insurance for apartment-friendly non-recourse, because the person who cares for an employer-old 80 years-I still have not paid for two months! He dragged me by saying that the checkbook has not happened ... I do not even know if I told URSSAF ... (This may ask a lot of problems!)

must say that this gentleman is the owner and said to be a family friend for over 20 years and also says nephew ... It

nurses starting their care, who have found that the tenant was in poor health, unable to stand up for the daily-acute LBP-. They proposed to the owner to bring in a person for dinner and a minimum-bit-Household.

We agreed, ordering the checkbook, etc. ... Then the nurse asked the social worker to move-in book-binding because there was no hot water for months of February! - A power outage of 24 hours, no cash or checkbook ... I was so hallucinated that I wrote the article: 'Let us give a little more attention to our elderly neighbors'

The owner was hospitalized the day before the gentleman's visit to the social worker! IF, IF ... He of course put an immediate end to our work that day.

Since many non-appointment-respected by the owner had reason for my patient. This adds to the anger of having to leave the gentleman in such a situation.

Nurses have made a report to the prosecutor and I also sent him my testimony.

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Blogger Christine said ...

I do not understand why there is so much space between the title and table ...

I'll try to find help!

April 13, 2008 10:12

Blogger lina said ...

excellent blog, good week, severally

April 21, 2008 8:02 p.m.

Anonyme Anonymous said ...

your blog very, very interesting. good luck.

April 26, 2008 10:44 p.m.

Blogger Christine said ...

> Nico: I want to thank you for that link you sent me very nicely:

Thanks you to finish the Phantom! In turn, I did enjoy my readers.

May 1, 2008 11:12 p.m.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

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very important CESU (Cheque Emploi Service Universel)

I write this article because we are very likely to ignore the existence of certain documents-many are apparently only visible on-net. In fact, I do not know why they are not sent to each new employee or employer ...

We find, with my employers, that not everything said in the media. It was explained that the CESU facilitates hiring, there are tax cuts ... But it is not quite clear that this is a true labor contract with the employee's obligations of course, but also the employer: their absences, dismissal of the employee to provide documents .. .

would have many of us react so that different departments inform us completely.

Here is the documentation, to circulate as much as possible:

All About CESU
The CESU banking practices in 10 questions
Private Employer: The Cheque Emploi Service Universel
Welcome simplicity
Cheque Emploi Service Universel: Instructions -Membership Application-

Fact Sheet: What to do when hiring an employee by CESU?
Fact Sheet: Real wage or contract basis?
Fact Sheet: When am I entitled to exemption by stating an employee by CESU?

Fact Sheet: Employment contract CESU
Model contract of indefinite duration
Training of employees 'CESU' In this link- there is a model: addendum to the employment contract-
Fact Sheet: Holidays, absences and holidays
Fact Sheet: Ending employment contract

Private Employer Collective Agreement: employees 3180
Conv. Collective: Wizards of the individual employer maternal
Collective Agreement and gardeners Gardening guards private property 3602

Looking for more news ...

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Monday, March 24, 2008

How To Set Number Lock In Vip Suitcase

Documents created for my job search CESU CESU

Here are the documents that I use in my research of employers 'CESU'. Feel free to send me your comments.

I mention in my article
' Search CESU employers: a real job! " .

Tract me to distribute directly to the market, for example. I print double-sided, then I cut.
You can get inspired:

Read this doc is Scribd: Tract job search

Mail for mailing:
I change a few words for nurses, Kynes, pharmacies
document.write ('');

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didi said ...

There is a free site for all and allowing the development potential link between employers and potential employees. Everyone can make his announcement, or to employ someone or to be recruited. When there is matching, the dossier of the potential employee is sent to the potential employer can contact you later. It

Christine said ...

Didi You're right, I am registered, as well as other ...

I will soon have articles on these sites with direct links.

They are not sufficiently known. In our region, there is almost no job!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Rubbermaid Space Saver Drainer

: the month of April looks pretty hard!

is little to say! ... I may well lose a lot of employers ...

Here's why:

For my own information and share it with my employers and yourself, I regularly seek information on the net.

example is the site of URSSAF , I discovered printed documents. I wonder why we URSSAF do not address directly!
I'd like you to help me in this direction. Indeed, few people take the time to browse detailed locations, not counting those who do not have computers or who are elderly, sick ...
I found
need O-BLI-GA-YOU-RE-MENT to an employment contract of indefinite duration :
  • If the duration of work is regularly
  • Or if it exceeds 4 weeks

therefore I am informing my employers me doubting their reaction. I tell them that he discovered this info, (I saw somewhere that the contract is more of a paper), I wanted us to discuss together the future, to be in good standing (especially the employer). I give them time to think about it ...

Let me also explain other details ( absences of the employer , death of the employer , stop employment contract)

There are at least two who have made clear they would not sign a contract (we should talk again in the week):
  • " You said it already ... " she has not finished his sentence, but we understand.
  • "I think I'll make an association, so ..."

I argue that in explaining the employment contract is helpful to banks, the new owner ...
"Yes, of course ... I understand, but .."

No, they do not feel at all employers:
  • short, some people want us to 'turn' when they see fit and without constraints (notice, letter, certificate ASSEDIC work certificate ...).
  • Frankly, I do not think either, when I started in June ... The point highlighted the CESU is the ease of hiring, but the breach of contract is classic!
  • They did not want to pay us when it was expected that one comes, then they have a bar ... Imagine your company closes a half-day for some reason X or Y, your employer must pay you.
  • We are committed to coming to work at specific times, so with an expected salary accordingly.

Month of April also difficult :
  • The spouse of an employer is hospitalized (probably longer), we had not made any contract for her husband to Alzheimer's disease and we wanted to see if he accepted me .. . I do not work for them, since last month.
  • Loss: 5 hours / week minimum

From next week :
  • I continue my exploration! .. . (See my article )
  • I will give to potential employers all the info (with documentation that I'll try to get to URSSAF ...)
  • I ask the drafting of the contract: if they do not want, no work

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Blogger Guignot Bernard said ...

You make discoveries! Former HRD
I'm might enlighten you earlier about the differences between a contract of employment "classic" and that imposed by the Labor Code and the NCC ...
But the real problem is not there. It is you realize, in the ongoing challenge to be able to ensure a consistent and regular schedule to ensure a decent wage.
By its nature, such activity will always be precarious. The elderly do not have eternal life ... and moreover, they are sometimes capricious and demanding as spoiled children ...
to us to reflect, to do "with" and keep only the customers who are worth it.
But to achieve this, the home help should devote more of their paid work, a very important time in its management and its "commercial". According to my estimate about 25% of his time.
To get 40 paid hours per week, must work about 10 hours over its management and its commercial ...
Courage! Bernard

March 29, 2008 9:13

Blogger Guignot Bernard said ...

Another comment to illustrate ...
I had 15 years ago, a great housekeeper Portuguese Rosa.
Efficient and super organized. I was paying (the "black" one who required) 60 F per hour ...
To ensure its coverage was employed half-time in a school. The other half (half a big-time - 20 to 30 hours each week) she worked for private (one dozen) like me.
And she managed it all as a true entrepreneur ... not hesitating to "turn" a client that does not suit her ...
To think!

March 29, 2008 9:25

Blogger Alex said ...


me then this April? how it finally happens?

April 10, 2008 8:28

Blogger Christine said ...

Alex> I just did an article on the record since June 2007. Thank you for
HTML code "search bar"

April 13, 2008 11:20

Blogger Christine said ...

Finally I think working 90 hours in April ... But an employer (91 years) pay the time € 7.50 (average of 33 hours per month). We will see the reality in early May!

April 17, 2008 0:08